Stacey Sweet TV

Hope Runs Here!

Hope Ran Here–literally. And hope walked, jogged and stood in support too! It was an event that was hundreds of participants strong, where hope was everywhere. The 5th annual LI2 Day Hope Runs Here 5k Run/Walk for Breast Cancer took place today at the Westfield Sunrise. The event honors the memory of Long Islander Bonnie Levine. Proceeds benefit the LI2Day Breast Cancer Walk. Organizers say it was the largest participation yet with 700 registrations and 600 people crossing the finish line.

Photos courtesy of the event.

Picture of Stacey Sweet

Stacey Sweet

Stacey Sweet is a nationally recognized, award-winning on air television host, correspondent and producer. She has worked on many high profile and big breaking stories across the globe including the Inaugurations of three presidents, the death of Princess Diana, and 9-11 and she has produced a number of popular daily segments for local Long Island newscasts.

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